NTSB Says Major Safety Improvements Needed to Small Passenger Vessels After Conception Dive Boat Tragedy
The NTSB is recommending major safety improvements be implemented by the U.S. Coast Guard for Small Passenger Vessels after its investigation of the Conception dive boat tragedy. LKSA is keeping track of these recommendations and whether they are implemented by the U.S. Coast Guard. To read more about the NTSB’s investigation and recommendations see here: https://gcaptain.com/conception-dive-boat-fire-ntsb-says-major-safety-improvements-to-small-passenger-vessels-needed/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Gcaptain+%28gCaptain.com%29&goal=0_f50174ef03-2b961212c7-170214653&mc_cid=2b961212c7&mc_eid=37e207e9fd